1. Taken them out and couldn't remember where in the world I put them. I've lost my braces about three times..thank God I found them and didn't have to go to the doc to reorder new trays. I never understood why people ask,"Well where's the last place you had them?" Hello, if I knew that they wouldn't be lost..duh.
2. After the second month or so, I began utilizing napkins to quickly store the trays rather than the nifty little plastic Invisalign case I was given. What? It's quicker.
3. I eat with the trays in...I know, I can crack the aligners...horrible. Does it make it any better that I only chow down on soft food, not the crunchy stuff?? Didn't think so.
4. Guilty of drinking red, blue, purple, orange, and green punch/Kool-aid, juice, tea, and coffee with my trays in. To my surprise I haven't experienced any discoloration to my aligners.
5. I'm not as OCD with quickly brushing after eating the slightest amount of food and then rushing to put my trays in.
6. Sometimes I forget I'm not wearing them for hours at a time. When I start talking to someone and suddenly feel self-conscious about my gap THEN I realize those babies are M.I.A.
7. Flossing...I get to it mainly with the crunchy foods that are hard to get out of the now s.m.a.l.l. crevices (nuts, popcorn, etc.) It's amazing how food doesn't accumulate when there aren't huge gaps to fill. It's so wonderful I tell ya!!
But all in all, I'd say I'm not doing too bad. I've heard and seen worse cases than my little slip ups. I'm just thrilled that the spaces are becoming a thing of the past. Don't get me wrong, I still take out the trays and brush them AND my teeth after I eat or drink with them in, I'm just not so Speedy Gonzalez about it. I'm enjoying this gap closing up, I don't want decayed teeth!!
I'll end this post with pics comparing my 1st TRAY with my 9TH TRAYS...
The first pics are my teeth without wearing the trays, then with the trays, then just a side view comparison (trays in). Ah, closure!!!