Friday, January 8, 2010
Finally...The results
Ok, so this crazy thing called life has come between blogging about my Invisalign experience. Sorry! Please accept my many apologies. I will try to make up for it by giving everyone what they have been asking for... An UPDATE. And I could ramble on, but why not just show you where I started, a couple of in between pics, and the final outcome. Here goes...

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Thanks for the post. You've given me hope! :-)
I just wanted to say that your smile looks beautiful! I am curious to know if you had a frenectomy (the removal of the tissue between your gap)? If so, at what stage did you have the procedure done? What was the experience, recovery time and did it affect your speech?
If you didn't have it removed, did your Ortho tell you that the gap might re-open? Did he deem the procedure unnecessary? How is your bite now? Do you have any sensitivity ie eating, brushing or flossing?
I appreciate your answers to my extensive list of questions. I am excited to possibly embark upon this journey as well.
Thank you.
No, I didn't have to get a frenectomy, but towards the end of my treatment (about the last two set of trays) the the tissue was really sensitive as the gap closed in. I wouldn't say it hurt, necessarily, but it was more of a stinging feeling. It did subside though. My doc never mentioned anything about getting a frenectomy but I know that for people that have thick or long ones, that surgery IS recommended. I can't really comment on that aspect since it didn't apply. Rather than a removable retainer my doc did the permanent retainer. It's basically a thin metal wire on the back of my four front teeth and bottom six, to prevent the gap from reopening. What I thought was cool was that the wire is somewhat reinforced by a tooth colored type of bonding. To me it was basically a smaller, flatter version of the attachments they previously bonded to my teeth. If you are familiar with attachments you know that they are hard core. I never had one "pop off" as other people reported. I think if you find a good doc then they shouldn't come off. Hope I've answered all of your questions...
Thanks for responding. Is the permanent retainer comfortable? Would/does it affect any oral intimate moments? Will the other teeth get spaces as a result of the permanent retainer?
Did you have any sensitivity after the removal of your final trays? Is eating or conversing different? If yes, how so?
Also, what is your opinion on not having my gap closed in it's entirety? I ask, because my gap was perfect in my 2001 pictures, I could only fit a dime in the space and now I can fit 3 quarters in the space. I'm not sure if I should just have it closed completely or just to where it was previously positioned. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thanks Again,
I chanced upon your blog while searching the web. You look fantastic, and your transformation is amazing. I am also thinking of getting Invisalign myself.
I was wondering how much you paid for the Invisalign? If you have insurance, do you have any way of determining what the full cost were? And how much did your dental insurance pay?
Also, did your teeth ever begin to feel loose at any point? Were you worried about that?
And do you think that there will ever come a point when you can be free of your retainers?
I have a bunch of questions for you, so do you mind sending me an email at veronm17[at]yahoo[dot]com ?
I am on tray 2 and was wondering what are some braces etiquette. for example, I was in the break room for lunch at work and i am so used to pop them out at home without a thought so that is what i did at work forgetting people are not used to the idea. good thing my coworkers are not that conservative. But my question is should i take them out in the bathroom or take them out using a tissue? BTW your results are fantastic!
I generally would try to remove my braces prior to sitting down to eat or excuse myself to the restroom to "wash my hands." There were times that I forgot about them and covered my mouth with a napkin and quickly removed them without anyone noticing. In the beginning I would use the braces case that was provided with the trays. Over time I decided that it was quicker for me to just pop them out and wrap them in a paper towel and stick them in my purse, pocket, or whatever was handy. I have to say that I did throw them away a couple of times using this method but they were retrieved, washed, sterilized and no harm done!! Most people don't want to see your saliva filled trays when you take them out, so no, that's not the best etiquette even if people say that don't mind.
You're smile looks gorgeous! You're treatment looks very similar to mine. Invisalign changed my life!
Fantasic results! They look amazing. Any final comments or suggestions to upcoming invisalign users?
helloooo more updates please. I know you are busy, but where are you nowww??
Hi, thank you so much for posting your results! I am on my second tray with a gap in my front teeth like yours. My dentist is telling me that I will have to cut the little skin in between my gap in order for my teeth to close properly, did you have this done? He says that without it my gap with keep coming back a little without cutting the frenum. What do you think?
I feel like your teeth wont even that bad before but they do look great! I want to get invisalign in Oakville, I have a tooth that crosses over the other one and I don't know if it can fix that.
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